Thursday, March 25, 2010
WhOa! I'm a FIFTH year!
I can't believe I forgot about this blog! I know nobody really reads it, though I do have two followers (thanks mates), but its kind of like a journal. So much time has gone by... I am reaching the end of my FIFTH year at Hogwarts. This is crazy. Um... Updates... This is hard, Uh me and Jonas are kinda a thing now... haha. hurray! Its adorable actually. Don't worry Carmondy's totally cool with it, cuz she is also with someone. The three of us are still besties though. O.W.Ls coming up real soon here. Im really quite stressed. Study, study, study. Speaking of which I have some serious transfiguration work to do that can't be put off. bleh.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Quidditch Stats Continued
Sorry, I haven't updated for ages, but here it goes:
Will Courkrey - beater - I would hate to be Will's target in quidditch, because this boy has some serious accuracy! Luckily for the other teams, he's a nice kid, otherwise their entire team would be unconscious on the pitch, no joke! Will is a fifth year, and is a total crack up! He and Tanner Hall (next post) are really good friends...
okay sorry again... there is never enough time to update what with finals coming up and all. ill do my best to update again really soon!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Whoa! Total Memory Lapse!
Sorry, I just realized that you, readers, probably don't know who all the awesome players on the Ravenclaw quidditch team are! I just LURVE quidditch so you'll definately need to know them! Here it goes...
Bridger Jones - keeper - He is the team captain, and is amazing at it. He is a smidge obsessive about winning the Quidditch cup this year, but he has a right to be since its his last year at Hogwarts. Thats all his Quidditch stuff, but I'm gonna toss in some stats of my own. ;) So Bridger is well no other way to put it besides, a total hottie! Every girl at Hogwarts knows this, it might as well be taught in classes, cuz its a fact! Sadly, hes currently dating Amber Denison (see below)
Amber Denison - chaser - Amber is super-speedy, and nobody can catch her. When she has the quaffle its guaranteed she'll make it pretty far down the pitch. She also has some wicked passes. Her weak point would probably be scoring, but that doesn't mean she can't do it. Usually she'll pass to a strong scorer like Jonas or Ella (see below). She is currently dating Bridger (as I said above), and she is a sixth year.
Ella McCoy - chaser - This girl can score! If she gets a chance to go shoot she practically always makes it! No keeper is a match for her. Ella sometimes has problems when she's defending, so Bridger usually focuses the plays that include her in offense. Ella is a fourth year like Jonas, Carmondy, and I so she is in some of my classes. I have transfiguration, potions, and care of magical creatures with her. Besides being athletic she is pretty smart too. She is great at essays, hers are always amazing. Wish I could do my homework that easy!
Jonas Crispin - chaser - see previous post, Meet My Mates
oh brain like isn't working anymore...this is taking forever!!!!!So i'll have to finish another day! SORRY! :)
Don't Mess With the Best!
I am mondo psyched to announce that Ravenclaw won our first match against Slytherin on Friday! There was a score of 210 to 50, so a huge thanks goes to our amazing seeker, Shannon Jameson. You go girl! Jonas was also awesome, and he scored three of the six goals. Carmondy and I were like freaking out in the stands! Bridger rocked out there too! Those Slytherin chasers were coming at him like crazy, and he deflected like every shot! I just want to thank and congratulate the whole Ravenclaw team! This was a fabulous way to start out the season!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Go Ravenclaw!!!
I am so excited for Friday! Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor in Quidditch! I am rooting for Ravenclaw (of course), but I totally love like everyone in Gryffindor. It is going to be such an instense game! Carmondy and I are going to cheer for Jonas, and it is going to be way fun! The Ravenclaw team is really good this year, but so is Gryffindor. Our team captain, Bridger Jones, is really focused on strategy and really wants to win the cup since this is his last year at Hogwarts. I totally think that he deserves to win it since we barely missed the cup last year. Slytherin beat us, but just barely. Yeah so GO RAVENCLAW!!!!!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008
Meet My Mates!
Okay so I told you that I have the most amazing mates, and I thought I would tell you a little bit about them...
Carmondy: My BFF who is super sweet, and super smart! She is a wiz at basically every subject offered at Hogwarts. All of the teachers absolutely love her, just like I do! Carmondy is hilarious, and is such a cute girl. She and I met in charms class when we were first years, and we've been inseperable ever since!
Jonas: My closest guy friend who is also extremely funny! He is also pretty smart, but doesn't have the brains that Carmondy has! Everybody is Jonas' friend, and everbody loves hanging out with him. He is super athletic, and is a total quidditch star. He is a chaser on the Ravenclaw team, and hopes to be the captain one day.
Carmondy: My BFF who is super sweet, and super smart! She is a wiz at basically every subject offered at Hogwarts. All of the teachers absolutely love her, just like I do! Carmondy is hilarious, and is such a cute girl. She and I met in charms class when we were first years, and we've been inseperable ever since!
Jonas: My closest guy friend who is also extremely funny! He is also pretty smart, but doesn't have the brains that Carmondy has! Everybody is Jonas' friend, and everbody loves hanging out with him. He is super athletic, and is a total quidditch star. He is a chaser on the Ravenclaw team, and hopes to be the captain one day.
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